手 机:18917074297(微信)
电 话:021-39529830-8012
recommend hydraulic fluids according to
maximum flow - due to its nominal size.
well as the adherence of the operation
conditions under „Specifications“ of each datasheet
actuated valves for which the output value
- pressure or flow - is changed at the same ratio as the inlet value.
Like the ambient temperature the media
temp. range has a direct effect on the
Control electronics and proportionally designed solenoids are required
z FPM: from -20°C to +120°C
(all other influences see point 4)
Each valve is designed for a certain
temperature depends primarily on the
sealing materials. HYDAC defines here:
z NBR: from -30°C to +100°C
At ths flow it is still reasonable to operate
the valve. An operation above this value
used materials in the valve, e.g. their
mech. strength. Generally, the maximum
HYDAC offers here pressure relief, pressure reducing, needle,
flow control, and directional valves.
We confirm the usage of basically
(solenoid valves - 20°C)
DIN 51524 Part 1 and 2. For these fluids
for actuation. Just as it is true in the hydrovalve sector,
HYDAC proportional valves are electronically
will boost the power dissipation. This
value also varies from valve to valve.
The type of operating fluid is closely
linked to its viscosity. HYDAC can only
the function of the valves is warranted
and approved safety principals to
ISO 13849‑2:2003; charts C.1 and C.2
for the design of our hydraulic valves.
(Confirmation in each datasheet of the valve)
The customer is responsible for the
implementation and the operation of
our valves due to th a.m. standard as
地 址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄