mounting rail acc. to EN 60715:2001
Maximum safe voltage Um 250 V
电 话:O21-3952 983O转8OO9
手 机;189 17O7 4297
传 真:O21-3952983O-8OO8
企业QQ;288 O626 O83
Group, category, type of protection,
Measuring circuit monitoring
Group, category, type of protection
连接器 output I: terminals 10, 11, 12
output II: terminals 16, 17, 18
min. 1 MΩ (0 ... 1 V, -100 ... 100 mV)
output III: terminals 8+, 7-
连接器 terminals 1, 2, 3, 4, 6
RTD Pt100, Pt500, Pt1000, Ni100, Ni1000
机械寿命 5 x 107 次操作循
环通电/断电 approx. 20 ms / approx. 20 ms
触点负载 250 V AC / 2 A / cos φ ≥ 0.7 ; 40 DC
地 址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄