德国海隆单电控电磁阀种类 8254000.9150.024.00
production are in accordance to
engineers practice wellknown
in the member countries
电 话:O21-3952 983O转8OO9
手 机;189 17O7 4297
传 真:O21-3952983O-8OO8
企业QQ;288 O626 O83
A certificate of conformity ist not designated.
带有DIN 3845 NAMUR接口的3/2
德国海隆单电控电磁阀种类 8254000.9150.024.00
8393400.0000.00000 25 0.4 8
8393600.0000.00000 40 0.4 8
8393700.0000.00000 50 0.4 8
8393800.0000.00000 65 0.4 8
8393400.0000.00000 25 0.4 8
8393600.0000.00000 40 0.4 8
8393700.0000.00000 50 0.4 8
8393800.0000.00000 65 0.4 8
This means interpretation and
Further technical information
and details of wearing parts a
re to be found on page 22 for the 82900 series.
德国海隆单电控电磁阀种类 8254000.9150.024.00
地 址:上海市嘉定区嘉涌路99弄